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"Power to the council!" said Samos, bowing his head. "Power to the council!" cried the men in the tiers. Even the page boys and the scribes, and the minor captains, in the back of the room and about the sides, cried out these words. "Power to the council!" I sat in my cruule chair, smiling. "Further," said Samos, "I propose that the council decree that all bonds among clients and patrons in Port Kar be now dissolved, to be reestablished only on the basis of mutual consent and explicit contract on the part of the parties involved, which documents, in copy, are to be placed with the council." Sullius Maximus shook his fist at Samos. "You will not shear us of our power!" he cried." Further," said Samos, "Let the council decree that any who fail to abide by the resolutions of the council, or act against it, be regarded, at the council's convenience, subject to her pleasure." 

"Further," said Samos, "I propose that the council decree that all bonds among clients and patrons in Port Kar be now dissolved, to be reestablished only on the basis of mutual consent and explicit contract on the part of the parties involved, which documents, in copy, are to be placed with the council." Sullius Maximus shook his fist at Samos. "You will not shear us of our power!" he cried. "Further," said Samos, "Let the council decree that any who fail to abide by the resolutions of the council, or act against it, be regarded, at the council's convenience, subject to her pleasure."

<Raiders of GOR p.157-158>

Article 1, Section 1A

-  The Council of Captains is a joint body of the Captains and Admirals of Port Kar. The Council, not its Chairs, are the sovereign jurisdiction over Port Kar and its territories. 

-  Any Admiral of the Council of Captains can swear in those who wish to become citizens of Port Kar who have met the required waiting period as recorded by the Citizenship Scribe. Before an Admiral can perform a swearing in ceremony, a public announcement must be sent out to the city by the Citizenship Scribe or the alternate at least (20) twenty ahns prior to the swearing in. This allows for time to ensure the Home Stone can be securely taken from its safe location. Also, it allows all citizens time to be present should they wish to do so.

-  Items for the meeting agenda will be sent to the Council of Captains Scribe at least (2) two days prior to a meeting.

-  The Council of Captains will meet once a month to discuss issues pertinent to the City of Port Kar and cover any items brought before them by fellow Council members or Citizens of Port Kar. 

NOTE: If there is a specific item, or items, that needs to be addressed immediately, the position of Emissary of the City can call (1) one emergency meeting during each month to address that item or items. While this emergency session is at the discretion of the Emissary of the City, all other items must wait to be addressed at the next scheduled meeting of the Council of Captains.

Article 1, Section 1B
Requirements for Admiralty & Captaincy

Captains: Beginning the day after the institution of these guidelines, to achieve the Rank of Captain, the following requirements must be met:

-    Sworn Citizen of Port Kar

-    Must have (5) five ships registered with the Port Kar Ship Registry, SRoG or AoG.

Admirals: Beginning the day after the institution of these guidelines, to achieve the Rank of Admiral, the following requirements must be met:

-    Sworn Citizen of Port Kar

-    Must have been an active Captain in the City of Port Kar for (1) one (OOC) Year.

-    Must have (15) fifteen ships registered with one of the (3) Three Ship Registries, must also complete one ship battle in a public room, to prove the ability to command a fleet.

NOTE (1): All current Admirals and Captains will maintain their present rank, and those who are currently Captains and can meet the new ship requirement will not be required to meet the (1) one (OOC) year requirement mentioned above.

Article 1, Section 1C

The (7) Seven Admirals Chairs:

The powers, of the (7) Seven Admiral’s Chairs will now be distributed between the Council of Captains, The Castes, and (4) Four City Positions.

The Chairs will serve in two parts only: as the newly established tie-breaker, should the Council vote result in a stalemate and they will also replace the Quorum of (3) Three, and form a Quorum of (7) Seven, should such a Quorum be required.

Selecting the (7) Chairs:

Like Jury Duty, The (7) Seven Chairs will be selected, alphabetically, from the list of active Captains and Admirals serving the Council of Captains. Those Captains and Admirals will serve or a period of (2) two (IC) In Character Years or (6) six months, after which, the next seven names upon the Alphabetical list assume said positions.

NOTE: In the event a Captain/Admiral becomes inactive and is unable to sit as a Chair, the next available name from the list of active Captains and Admirals will be selected from the list.

Article 1, Section 1D

Active vs. Inactive vs. Hiatus:

Given the new approach, a Captain or Admiral will be considered Inactive after missing (2) two proposed Council Meetings. This will not include any Emergency Session called for by the Emissary of the City Position to discuss an item or items that arise between generally schedules meetings on the first Monday of each month.

The position of Captain and Admiral are distinguished positions. They should be taken as seriously as possible. Captains and Admirals who go inactive, upon returning, will forfeit their vote for the first (2) two meetings of the Council of Captains and any inactive Admiral forfeits their right to be considered for the Positions of Emissary of the City, Commander of the Watch, or Ambassador for the period of (1) one year.

HIATUS: Because of the new policy, the new term HIATUS will cover Captains and Admirals who inform the CoC Scribe of an extended leave of absence prior to missing the (2) two Meetings rendering them inactive. HIATUS. Returning from HIATUS will result in missing your opportunity to vote on any motions, positions, etc. for the period of (1) one meeting.

NOTE: Hiatus is designed for the (OOC) Out of Character dynamic.  Sometimes, we as players simply get burned out. Sometimes our lives take precedence over role-play and we are unable to participate in play. Be it a vacation, job loss, or just saying “you know what, I don’t want to deal with this shit anymore I need a break,” HIATUS gives players the opportunity to do this without losing out on the potential to take a Position as Emissary of the City, Commander of the Watch, or Ambassador.

Article 1, Section 2A
Body of the City Watch

The City Watch and its members are the hands of the CoC in the City and its' boundaries and/or territories. They are the lawmen of the city and it to them all Karian men and women shall appeal in times of imminent threat or danger to self or city.

The City Watch shall be comprised of those free men that shall volunteer, and all seated Captains and Admirals will be answerable as well to the call of the Watch when available.

It shall be the responsibility of and answerable to the commander of the Watch, voted into and out of office by the CoC.

The positions below will be voted on by the CoC as they are crucial leadership positions. 

Commander of the Watch - Damon D Darq
Captain of the Watch - 
En'Captain of the Council Guard - 
En'Captain of the Arsenal Guard - 



Council Guard Duty | Arsenal Guard Duty

Article 1, Section 3

The arsenal fleets of the city, to include the slave, oil and grain fleets, escort and patrol ships, are captained by the captains of the council and those men so appointed by the CoC in times of peace. In the event of war, part of the war declaration by the CoC shall include dispersal of the ships for use as needed.

Article 1, Section 4
Citizen Disputes & Petitions

All citizens may petition with grievances to be heard by the CoC, and if said grievance cannot be resolved by the Council, a Quorum of Seven (jury) and a Magistrate (Judge), will be convened and all decisions are final.

Article 1, Section 5
Admiralty Court

A quorum of seven will be the group of council members seated as the seven ‘jury’ chairs at that time. These seven men will along with a Magistrate will serve as an Admiralty Court to try ‘High Crime’ cases.

Typical crimes to be heard before an admiralty court, and the penalties for such, are as follows:

5A.1 - High Treason - the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of Port Kar by one who allows allegiance to the city. Sentence is public impalement.

5A.2 - Treason – The violation or betrayal of the allegiance that a person owes his sovereign or his city. Also to include any citizen who travels to Cos without prior approval from the Council of Captains. All business with Cos must first be approved by the CoC. Sentence is forfeiture of assets and banishment.

5A.3 - Offering aid and comfort to the enemy - any overt act of admission by a citizen which aids an enemy of the City. Sentence is forfeiture of assets and banishment. 

5A.4 - Theft of the Home Stone - attempt to remove the Home Stone from its rightful place within the Council Meeting Hall. Sentence is extreme torture and boiling in oil.

Articles officially adopted by final vote on 5th day of the Fifth Hand of the Eighth Month (8) in the 48th year of Sovereignty of the CoC ( 11/06/2017) 

Current City Positions:
Emissary to the City - Lothar Falcone
Ambassador - Aaron Chardan
Commander of the Watch - Dante Miner
Captain of the Arsenal Guard - Akmal Seward
CoC Scribe - Angela Darq
Estate Scribe - Nika R. Steel
Citizenship Scribe - Leah Malice
Arsenal Guard Scribe - Annalise Blaize

© 2017 by City of Port Kar.

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