"I did not know if the victory we had won, for victory it surely seemed to be, was decisive or not, but I well knew that the twenty-fifth of Se'Kara, for that was the day on which this battle had been fought, would not be soon forgotten in Port Kar, that scity once called squalid and malignant, but which had now found a Home Stone, that city once called the scourge of gleaming Thassa, but which might now be better spoken of, as she had been by some of her citizens aforetimes, as her jewel, the jewel of gleaming Thassa."
OOC Guidelines
1.) (OOC) Out of Character Guidelines are to be decided upon and discussed among the entire Out of Character Community on the Port Kar Server. Any further changes to the guidelines will be open for discussion and vote on the Server from this point forward.
2.) To role-play on the Port Kar Server is to give your consent to reasonable and feasible role-play that results from direct, or in-direct words or actions in a given situation and/or scenario. The dangers of Port Kar are well known to all, and you accept those dangers by participating on this server. Be prepared to deal with the consequences of said play in an (IC) In Character manner as outlined the Articles that govern Port Kar.
3.) (OOC) Out of Character Channels are meant for just that, Out of Character interactions between fellow players on the Server. You are welcome to disagree. You are welcome to argue and debate here at your leisure. There will, however, be absolutely no tolerance for actions that are meant to harm / harass / defame / bully another player or group of players. This extends to Out of Character Channels and (DMs) Direct Messages. Also, any threats against a person or persons out of character that is reported to a Server moderator will be dealt given the Three Strike Policy as listed below:
- First Infraction: Warning from a Port Kar Server Moderator.
- Second Infraction: Kick from the Port Kar Server.
- Third Infraction: Ban from the Port Kar Server
NOTE: Duration of kicks is determined by the Moderators of the Port Kar Server and that decision is final.
NOTE(2): It is the responsibility of the mun to read channel pins and information about a channel before participating. Ignorance does not negate consequences.
NOTE(3): Anyone who does not know how to use pins to post information about their Channel please see one of the Server Moderators and they will gladly assist you