You must be a Port Kar Citizen to Own Property in Port Kar.
Visitors may rent or lease property through the deeds office or a citizen.
(No room will be made on discord if you do not have a listed deed for your property.)
(If you are a returning player and you do not see your characters property listed, please contact Nika R Steel.
She has a complete list of properties and will see your properties are added to the active player deeds list)
Procedure For Buying Property
(This should all be role played out)
1. Approach a Builder (currently Adara Malachia or Evanie Darkblade) about the list of available properties that are for sale. You can find these builders in the city or you can leave in a messange for them in the Property Office For Builders. The Builders will have knowledge of any property (land or building ) that is for sale. They will have done inspections on the lot available.
2. Once you have selected a peice of property, the builders will send you to the Merchants (Currently Temperance Enten and The Baker Tia ) to pay for your land or to pay any taxes that may be due on the property. You can find the Merchants in the city or leave a message for them in the Property Office For Merchants. The Merchants will issue a bill of sale and submit it to the Estate Scribe or the Estate Scribe Alternates of the Estate Scribe is not available.
3. Once a bill of sale is submitted, the Estate Scribe or Alternate will create a deed for the property that you purchased. You can find the Estate Scribe in the city or you can leave a message for him/her in the Estate Scribe Office. The deed will be given to you and a copy will be submitted to the Builders and Merchants. A copy of the deed will be filed with in the city records with the city record keeper ( Currently Nika R Steel).
4. The Merchants Caste will contact the new owner about any business inspections for permits need or taxes that may be due. They will collect any taxes due on property yearly.
(Your deed will come in DM or Email and a copy will be placed on the city website)
Procedure For Property Deed Transfer
(This should all be role played out)
1. Once you have sold your property to another citizen, approach the Estate Scribe or Alternate if the Estate Scribe is not available and inform them that you have sold your property. You can find the Estate Scribe in the city or leave a message for them in the Estate Scribes Office.
2. The Estate Scribe will issue a new Deed with the updated infromation to show the new owner of the property and will submit the new deed to the new owner, Mechants and Builders. A copy of the deed will be filed with the city records with the city record keeper.
3. The Merchants Caste will contact the new owner about any business inspections for permits need or taxes that may be due on any business. They will collect any taxes due on propertyyearly.
(Your deed will come in DM or Email and a copy will be placed on the city website)